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Pediatric care specialists in Western North Carolina

Our network of highly trained doctors provides specialty care for children of all ages, including newborns, infants and adolescents.

Contact Mission Children's Specialists

Our doctors provide specialized pediatric medicine to children in Western North Carolina. We are committed to delivering your family exceptional care and service.

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About Mission Children's Specialists

Every child is unique, so our pediatric doctors work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that meet your child's individual health needs.

Our pediatric specialty services

Our network of highly skilled pediatric care specialists offer a wide range of subspecialties, including:

Patient resources

Our patients are our priority, and we consider all of you to be like family to us. You can always count on us to do our best to get you all the information you need to make informed decisions about your care.

Health Portal

With our patient portal, you have the ability to securely connect with your doctors, schedule appointments and review your personal medical history, all online or via the app.

Patient forms

We make sure you have quick online access to patient forms and paperwork so you can easily get the care you need right when you need it.

Patient rights and responsibilities

While you're in our care, we believe an important part of your patient experience is knowing what to expect from us and understanding our commitment to you and your health.